Ramona Chamber Introduces New Leaders, Honors Businesses and Community Members

Ramona Chamber Introduces New Leaders, Honors Businesses and Community Members
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Excerpt from Ramona Sentinel 

The installation and awards ceremony, held at The Barn, was attended by over 100 people, including District 2 Supervisor Joel Anderson, who helped usher in the new chamber board.

Zawilenski was then honored with two special awards from Anderson, who congratulated him on leading the chamber with “great committee chairs and volunteers” and presented a proclamation that Jan. 21 was “Paul Zawilenski Day.”


“Ramona is an incredible community, and it’s an incredible community because you all give time and treasury back to the community making this a special place to live,” Anderson said.


After Anderson administered the oath for the new board members, Zawilenski gave his departing remarks.

“It really is an honor to be here with so many people who love our community, who work hard, sacrifice to make this a better place to live,” he said.

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