Grant Recipient Appreciation Event Honoring Supervisor Joel Anderson

Excerpt from East County Community Times (p. 12)
In recognition of San Diego County Board Supervisor Joel Anderson's contributions to the business and non-profit communities of District 2 through County grant allocations, Mi-Box San Diego and the San Diego East County Regional Chamber of Commerce hosted an appreciation event for Supervisor Anderson. The event was held at the East County Chamber of Commerce Office, 201 S Magnolia Avenue, El Cajon 92020.
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, San Diego's small businesses struggled to stay afloat. San Diego County founed the Small Business Stimulus Grant Program to provide economic assistance to businesses and nonprofits impacted by COVID-19, helping them pay back rent, payroll, and other operational expenses. Since taking office, Supervisor Anderson has awarded over $5 million to businesses and nonprofits in his district through this grant program.
This event was an excellent opportunity to hear from those who benefited from a San Diego County Small Business Stimulus Grant. Representatives from business and nonprofit recipients shared their testimonials with Supervisor Anderson.