Supervisors Move Forward on Cannabis Tax Initiative and Safety Measures for Unincorporated Areas

Supervisors Move Forward on Cannabis Tax Initiative and Safety Measures for Unincorporated Areas
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Excerpt from East County Magazine
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Supervisors also voted to have staff report back on a proposal by Supervisor Joel Anderson aimed at reducing disproportionate impacts on unincorporated communities through 16 measures that would enhance public safety, limit locations of cannabis businesses, require education on cannabis negative impacts and drug interactions, and require funds from a cannabis tax be used to benefit communities.
Supervisor Anderson, in introducing his 16 measures, noted that unincorporated communities “already lack equity with regards to public safety, infrastructure, transit options, health, education and economic opportunity compared to incorporated residents.” Noting that unincorporated areas will also have greater impacts from legal cannabis operations, adding, “the needs of the communities impacted by the facilities deserve equal consideration, as all other stakeholders.”