OP-ED: County Supervisors will decide if the Bible constitutes ‘hate speech’

OP-ED: County Supervisors will decide if the Bible constitutes ‘hate speech’
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Excerpt from The San Diego Voice & Viewpoint
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When I served as a state legislator for 12 years, I belonged to a super minority. Yet, I did not let that stop me from authoring landmark legislation that helped not only my constituents but all Californians. During my time in Sacramento, no other legislator worked across party lines as often as I did. In fact, it was a Democrat senator from Berkeley, Nancy Skinner, who volunteered to give my farewell address when my term ended. The reason I share this is not to brag, but to further illustrate the power of respecting one another and working together to find common ground.

As any of the thousands of young professionals who have graduated from my internship program can attest to, I require my staff to read How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. In this book that has become the lifeblood of my office, Carnegie has a section on how to win others over to your way of thinking. There are two crucial principles from that book that apply here: 1) Show respect for the other person’s opinions; and 2) Try honestly to see things from the other person’s point of view.