San Diego County officials tout wildfire response, urge residents to prepare

San Diego County officials tout wildfire response, urge residents to prepare
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Excerpt from ABC 10 News
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During a press conference at Gillespie Field in which they residents were urged to take steps to protect their homes, Supervisors Joel Anderson and Nathan Fletcher were joined by representatives from Cal Fire, the county Fire Protection District, San Diego Sheriff's Department and San Diego Fire-Rescue.


Anderson, who represents fire-prone District 2, said it's important that all San Diegans, and especially those in his district, make a wildfire preparedness plan.

"As a long-time resident of Alpine, I have witnessed firsthand how devastating wildfires can be," Anderson said. "Wildfires do not discriminate in their destruction."

Anderson said he thanked his fellow supervisors "for voting to allocate more funding to wildfire preparedness, which is crucial for the safety of our backcountry citizens."