San Diego County extends timeline for introducing new cannabis permits

Excerpt from San Diego Union Tribune
Supervisor Joel Anderson said he wants local planning groups and community organizations to have a role in plans to permit new marijuana businesses.
“Four of the five current open, legal dispensaries are in my district,” Anderson said.
“I put a lot of time and thought into it. I wanted to make sure that there is local control, local input. Last week I invited every local county planning group chair to meet with me on Zoom.”
Anderson said that pandemic restrictions and lack of internet access have made it difficult for many of those groups in rural areas to meet virtually over the past year. He said they should have more time and opportunity to discuss the issues.
He added that the county owes it to existing cannabis business owners to reauthorize their permits, which are set to expire in 2022.
“We made a commitment, before my time as a board, to allow these establishments to start,” Anderson said. “I think we have a moral obligation to restore them to where they are.”